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dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (United Nations Environment Programme-WCMC)
dc.descriptionA capacity building project was undertaken by six partner organisations, to support the long term conservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants in Ghana. A broad approach was followed, involving: development of medicinal plant gardens at two Botanic Gardens
dc.descriptionan ethnobotanical survey undertaken at six villages
dc.descriptionproduction of a manual for the propagation and cultivation of medicinal plants
dc.descriptiondevelopment of computerized information systems at the Ghana Herbarium and Aburi Botanic Garden to allow analyses to be undertaken illustrating the status of medicinal plants in Ghana in the wild, particularly in relation to land use and protected areas. This report provides details on the methodology followed and the status of each of these outputs and preliminary analyses of the computerized collection data. These analyses illustrate the importance of computerizing plant record data held at biological institutions. They demonstrate the use to which the resulting information can be put in terms of generating material that is readily accessible and easily understood by those responsible for making decisions concerning the long term survival of one of the world's natural resources of key importance for human health.
dc.publisherUNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)
dc.subjectmedicinal plant
dc.subjectplant ecology
dc.subjectplant health care
dc.subjectplant heritage
dc.subjectplant protection
dc.subjectplant resource
dc.subjectplant trade
dc.subjectplant genetics
dc.subject.classificationClimate Change
dc.titleConservation and sustainable use of medicinal plants in Ghana: conservation report
dc.typeReports and Books
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being
wd.identifier.sdgSDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production

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