Browsing Meeting Documents by Title
Now showing items 2025-2044 of 2098
Victor Tafur on behalf of the International Council of Environmental Law and NGOs present
(2019-03-20) -
Vietnam: Local Actions to Address of Marine Litter
(2018)This presentation discusses local actions and challenges faced in dealing with Marine litter in Vietnam, and some of the steps GreenHub is taking to address these challenges. -
Vision and Plan - A Systematic Approach: Leading the EAS Action Plan to the 21st Century
(2000)This innovative and far-reaching document is the vision and plan of the EAS/RCU to systematically and pragmatically co-ordinate the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of the marine environment in the East ... -
Visitors to Kenya
(2018) -
Voluntary Indicative Scale of Contributions Information Document
(2017-11)The present note provides information on the application of the voluntary indicative scale of contributions to the Environment Fund and how the scale has been adapted in the light of the Rio+20 Summit outcome strengthening ... -
Water: A Key for Sustainable Development in Africa - Key Issues and Constraints
(2001)As elsewhere on our planet, water is the key natural resource throughout Africa. An adequate supply of clean water is the most important precondition for sustaining human life, for maintaining ecological systems that support ... -
Ways to Walk the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Talk: The Food Perspective - Webinar
(2020-05-20)Webinar recording -
Ways to Walk the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Talk: The Way Forward [Webinar]
(2020-07-08)Recording of the webinar "Ways to Walk the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Talk: The Way Forward" held on 8 July 2020. -
Webinaire International - Réfrigérants Alternatifs pour les pays à Haute Tmpérature Ambiante (HTA)
(2020)Ce webinaire vise à partager les connaissances acquises de tous les projets d'évaluation et de recherche pertinents sur la HTA. Les présentations mettent en évidence les projets de recherche menés par le PNUE / ONUDI sur ... -
Webinar - Handle with Care!: The Nexus between Wastewater, Health and Sustainable Sanitation
(2019-07-25)Recording of the webinar -
Webinar - Striving to Attain Water and Sanitation for All: The SDG 6 Policy Support System (SDG-PSS)
(2019-10-24)The recording of the webinar held on 24 October 2019. -
Webinar - Sustainable Desalination: Innovation Tools to Address Wastewater due to Brine Discharges
(2019-12-05)Webinar Recording -
Webinar - Wastewater Reuse: A Second Life for an Essential Resource
(2018-11-14) -
Webinar: The Need for Innovative Financial Solutions for Sustainable Wastewater Management
(2018-04-30) -
West Asia Ozone Officers Have Lively Montreal Protocol Discussions at Dead Sea
(2017-05-23)The 2017 Meeting of the Regional Network of Ozone Officers of the West Asia region was organised by UN Environment’s OzonAction initiative in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment of Jordan from 24-27 April 2017 on ...