Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • Assessment of Human Exposure to Lead: Comparison Between Belgium, Malta, Mexico and Sweden 

      United Nations Environment Programme; World Health Organization (1985)
      The main objectives of this study were: - To study whether differences in blood lead levels found between countries in the Biological Monitoring Project were primarily due to exposure via ingested lead or via inhaled ...
    • Cleaner Production in the Mediterranean Region 

      United Nations Environment Programme; Agency for the Sustainable Development of the Mediterranean (Ecomed) (1995)
      The present report is a very valuable boost for the pioneering efforts in Mediterranean countries to implement cleaner production in our part of the world.
    • Fourth National Report to the CBD: Malta 

      Malta Environment and Planning Authority (Malta Environment and Planning Authority, 2010)
      As a Party to the CBD, Malta is required to contribute to the achievement of the Convention’s three objectives at a national level. These three objectives which underpin the principles of sustainable development are: the ...
    • Les aires protégées en Méditerranée: Essai d'étude analytique de la législation pertinente - MAP Technical Reports Series No. 83 

      United Nations Environment Programme; International Union for Conservation of Nature (1994)
      Cette étude consiste essentiellement en un examen, pays par pays, de la législation des Etats riverains de la Méditerranée relative la création d'aires protégées marines ou cotières et notamment des Aires Spécialement ...
    • Plan for the Reduction by 20% by 2010 of the Generation of Hazardous Wastes from Industrial Installations for the Mediterranean Region: MAP Technical Reports Series No. 145 

      United Nations Environment Programme; Regional Activity Centre for Cleaner Production; Spain (2004)
      The main goal of this Regional Plan is the reduction by 20% by 2007 of the generation of hazardous waste from industrial installations in the MAP countries. In order to achieve this target, the priority flows of hazardous ...
    • The Environment Report 

      Malta Environment & Planning Authority (Malta Environment & Planning Authority, 2008)
      The Report diagnoses the current situation of our environment today and provides us with a holistic picture of Malta’s environmental challenges, looking at all sectors and policy areas affecting the environment. In a simple ...
    • The Environment Report: Indicators 

      Malta Environment and Planning Authority (Malta Environment and Planning Authority, 2008)
      The aim of this booklet is to allow easy access to the key datasets underpinning the analysis in the Environment Report, thereby providing timely information on key environmental trends to policymakers, organisations and ...
    • Tourism - Directory of Institutions and Experts in Mediterranean Region 

      United Nations Environment Programme; Mediterranean Action Plan (1988)
      Information contained in this second group of Directories (human settlements, soil protection and tourism) has been compiled with the cooperation and help of a large number of experts, a majority of Mediterranean National ...