Now showing items 4663-4682 of 7265

    • OzoNews Volume II - 7 August 2001 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2001)
      In this issue: 1. Five Men Charged in Multi-Million Dollar Scheme to Illegally Import Ozone-Depleting Substances into the U.S. 2. Japan Draws up Strategy for Managing Ozone-Depleting CFCs 3. Stormy Space Weather Takes ...
    • OzoNews Volume II - 8 October 2001 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2001)
      In this issue: 1- UK May Have to Export Scrapped Refrigerators Containing CFCs 2- Atmospheric Waves Create the Conditions for Arctic Ozone Loss 3- Lagos Backs Ban On Used Fridges (Nigeria) 4- Next Generation Debuts, ...
    • OzoNews Volume II - 9 April 2001 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2001)
    • OzoNews Volume II - 9 July 2001 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2001-07-09)
      In this issue: 1. Sri Lanka Committed to Phase out Ozone Depleting Substances 2. Ice System is so Hot, Exelon Opts to Cool it 3. Sun Exposure, Risks are High
    • OzoNews Volume III - 1 October 2002 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2002)
      In this issue: 1- Premature Sighting of Weakened Ozone Hole this Week 2- Mitsubishi Heavy Unit Released CFCs (Japan) 3- Time to Deal with Halon Systems (UK) 4- Impact of Methyl Bromide Ban to Exceed $60 Million Annually (US)
    • OzoNews Volume III - 10 December 2002 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2002)
      In this issue: 1- European Commission (EC) Amending Regulation No 2037/2000 2- Chilling With Sound 3- UV Radiation May Not Be Linked to Frog Declines 4. YOUR OPINION MATTERS!
    • OzoNews Volume III - 10 September 2002 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2002)
      In this issue: 1- WSSD and Ozone Layer Protection 2- Indonesia’s Industries Free of Ozone Depleting Substances by 2007 3- Balloon Makes Safe Return to Earth 4- The Heating, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Institute ...
    • OzoNews Volume III - 11 February 2002 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2002)
      In this issue: 1- Tropical Air Thins European Ozone Layer by 30 pct (UK) 2- Despite the Bickering Over the Kyoto Protocol, Progress Has Been Made in One Area - Reducing Ozone Depletion 3- Integrated Pest Management ...
    • OzoNews Volume III - 11 March 2002 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2002)
      In this issue: 1- Manufacturer Using Carbon Dioxide as Refrigerant Alternative 2- Smugglers of Ozone Depleting CFCs Plead Guilty 3- FAO to Help Phase Out the Use of Methyl Bromide
    • OzoNews Volume III - 13 August 2002 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2002)
      In this issue: 1- On the Environment, It Isn't All Bad News (The Johannesburg Summit) 2- Wind Flows Tear at Ozone Layer 3- A Timely Pledge (Global Environment Facility)
    • OzoNews Volume III - 13 May 2002 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2002)
      In this issue: 1- NASA Unfolds Mystery: Relation Between Hydrogen and Ozone Depletion 2- Organic Growers Get Helping Hand: Avoiding Use of Methyl Bromide (New Zealand) 3- Farewell, Fridge Mountain (Czech Republic) 4- ...
    • OzoNews Volume III - 14 January 2002 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2002)
      In this issue: 1- Smugglers of CFC Given Suspended Sentences (Japan) 2- Exploding Star May Have Zapped Ozone Layer: Theory 3- New AHAM Research Finds Global Warming Models Greatly Overestimate Release of Fluorocarbons ...
    • OzoNews Volume III - 15 April 2002 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2002)
      In this issue: 1- Study Contract on Consumption of Ozone Depleting Substances (European Union) 2- New Nanocomposite Technology Promises to Replace CFCs in Foams 3- Call on Manufacturers to Improve Handling of ...
    • OzoNews Volume III - 15 October 2002 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2002)
      In this issue: 1- Nobel Laureate Lectures on Ozone Layer (Korea) 2- Malta Closes Environment Chapter 3- Recycling Effort Leads to Cool Savings (USA)
    • OzoNews Volume III - 16 July 2002 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2002)
      In this issue: 1- Man Sentenced In CFCs Scheme 2- Philippines May Take Australia To WTO on Fruit Exports 3- Keeping Cool a Hot Topic 4- The National Diet of Japan Enacts Auto Recycling Legislation
    • OzoNews Volume III - 16 September 2002 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2002)
      Special Issue: International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
    • OzoNews Volume III - 17 December 2002 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2002)
      In this issue: 1- Three Indicted in $2M Fraud Ring (USA) 2- Atmospheric Waves Help Shrink Ozone Hole 3- Eco Logic Completes Successful CFC Destruction Tests (Canada) 4- 'I Care About You, and I Care About the Earth!" (USA)
    • OzoNews Volume III - 18 February 2002 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2002)
      In this issue: 1- EPA is Allocating Essential-Use Allowances for Import and Production of Class I Stratospheric Ozone Depleting Substances (ODSs) for Calendar Year 2002 2- Skin Cancer has Tripled Since 1960s 3- Exploding ...
    • OzoNews Volume III - 18 March 2002 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2002)
      In this issue: 1- Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy Sponsors March 27 Building Chiller Summit 2- Awareness Workshop on Ozone Depleting Substances (India) 3- Ozone Layer will Thin Even as Holes Heal
    • OzoNews Volume III - 2 September 2002 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2002)
      In this issue: 1- Antarctic Ozone Hole to Expand in Coming Weeks 2- A MAESTRO in the Stratosphere toTry Understand Ozone Depletion 3- Home Office Defies Prescott Ozone Directive (UK) 4- Unknown Nematode Found Attacking ...