Terminal evaluation of the UNEP GEF project: Continued institutional strengthening support for CEITs to meet the obligations of the Montreal Protocol

UN Environment Evaluation Office (2014)

This report is a terminal evaluation of a UNEP GEF project implemented between 2009 and 2011. The project aimed to assist Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in meeting their obligations under the Montreal Protocol through strengthening capabilities and institutions in those countries that still having difficulties in ensuring the sustainability of CFC and methyl bromide phase out and meeting their reporting requirements. The evaluation aimed to determine to what extent the project support addressed outstanding phase out; strengthened and improved the controls in place; ensured that ODS phase out is sustained in the long term, as is expected under the Montreal Protocol; the regional approach used by the project was useful in promoting peer to peer learning, support and cooperation in terms of overall management of ODS and project execution.

Terminal Project Evaluations
