UNEP MGCY Coordinators Elections Process (002)

UNEP (2012-02-20)

The UNEP Major Group of Children and Youth Global Coordinator (representative) role includes the following components, which are based on those outlined in the Preface of the ​Guidelines for Participation of Major Groups and Stakeholders in Policy Design at UNEP ​ (2009): “​Facilitating the development of coherent position papers ​ on substantive Governing Council issues as well as helping “coordinating” or “facilitating” Major Group input and work during the Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum (GC/GMEF)* will be primary tasks for each of the Major Group representatives to the MGFC. It will also be incumbent upon each Major Group representative to the MGFC to ​ ensure a clear link in their final position papers of their Major Group to the outcomes of the ​

Background Document

Training document

Working Document