Recommendations of Indigenous Peoples to the draft resolution on the transformation of pastoralism towards sustainable development in the committee of the whole at UNEA 2

Federal Republic of Ethiopia (2016-05-23)

The Indigenous Peoples Major Group for UNEA welcomes the two Resolutions -- L 24 proposed by the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and L 2 on “ Combating Desertification, Land Degradation and Sustainable Management of Rangelands” proposed by the government of Sudan and Namibia. Both resolutions are addressing the need to promote and protect sustainable pastoralism as critical for Agenda 2030. We believe both Resolutions have key elements that can be combined into one resolution in line with the achieving the SDG call of “ leaving no one behind” and the “Africa We Want “ in securing, protecting and improving the lives, livelihoods and Rights of Pastoralist Communities.
