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Delivering as One for a Life of Dignity for All: Mainstreaming Poverty Reduction for an Inclusive Green Economy

dc.contributorGovernance Affairs Officeen_US
dc.contributor.authorUnited Nations Environment Programmeen_US
dc.descriptionThis session will present evidence of the efficacy of Poverty-Environment (PE) mainstreaming, SWITCH, and Green Economy advisory services as vehicles for setting in place building blocks for an inclusive green economy in Africa and Europe CIS, responding and addressing the fiscal and economic policy drivers of sustainability. The role and experience of civil society in engaging in – and meaningfully contributing to –these processes will also be highlighted. The outcome will be heightened awareness of the complementarity of - and synergies between - these three flagship “One UN” initiatives implemented in collaboration with UNDP, appreciation of the importance of joint programming responses to government needs, and broader support and demand for PE mainstreaming and green economy offers.en_US
dc.titleDelivering as One for a Life of Dignity for All: Mainstreaming Poverty Reduction for an Inclusive Green Economyen_US
wd.meeting.nameUnited Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA - 1) GreenRoomen_US
wd.identifier.collectionMeeting Documentsen_US

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