Now showing items 1-10 of 29
Economic Instruments for Promoting Sustainable Natural Resource Use, Environmental sustainability and Responses to Climate Change
This report was prepared to inform the formulation of the five-year National Development Plan (NDP), whose theme is ‘Growth, Employment and Prosperity’. It is based on a study that draws lessons learned from over a decade ...
Articulando la política social y ambiental para el desarrollo sostenible: opciones prácticas para América Latina y el Caribe
El objetivo de este documento es ejemplificar casos de integración y complementariedad entre políticas públicas en materia de protección social y sostenibilidad ambiental.
Adoption of a Sustainable Green Technology Approach in Shoe Sole Production in Guanajuato, Mexico
The manufacture of shoes is an important industry in Mexico—particularly in the Guanajuato region which produces each year around 244 million pairs of shoes in over 7,000 enterprises that employ 135,000 people directly ...
Etude sur les Modes de Consommation et de Production Durables (MCPD) au Mali
La présente étude porte sur la caractérisation des modes de production et de consommation durables au Mali dans l’optique de favoriser l’émergence des initiatives à fort effet favorable sur la gestion durable de l’Environnement. ...
Poverty-Environment Initiative Africa: Achievements and Lessons Learned 2005–2018
This report reviews the Initiative’s successes and failures, and its responses to these. In so doing, it documents how robust and integrated evidence—along with changes in policy, budgeting, investment and monitoring ...
Poverty-Environment Initiative (PEI) Africa: Achievements and Lessons Learned 2005–2018 - Summary
This Summary report reviews the Initiative’s successes and failures, and its responses to these. In so doing, it documents how robust and integrated evidence—along with changes in policy, budgeting, investment and monitoring ...
Development and Harmonization of Environmental Laws Volume 7: Report on the Development and Harmonization of Laws Relating to Forestry
Environmental law is an essential tool for the governance and management of the environment and natural resources. It is the foundation of national and regional policies and actions to ensure that the use of natural resources ...
Compendium of Environmental Laws of African Countries Volume VIII: Sectoral Environmental Laws and Regulations
The Compendium of Environmental Laws of African Countries was published for the first time in 1996. The 1996 Edition of the Compendium is produced in about four volumes. The first volume contains the framework environmental ...
Sustainable Management of the Environment and Natural Resources: Implications for Food Security, Livelihoods and Economic Development in Malawi
This paper provides macro and microeconomic evidence, based on empirical research, of the huge benefits of investing in sustainable environment and natural resource (ENR) management and sustainable agriculture in terms of ...
Industries and Enforcement of Environmental Law in Africa: Industry Experts Review Environmental Practice
This volume presents the actual presentations by representatives of industries from ten African countries on the question of rational management of the environment and natural re-sources. Among them were representatives ...