Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Haiti - Dominican Republic: Environmental Challenges in the Border Zone - Executive Summary
This document provides up-to-date information and confirms the close relationship that exists between the state of transboundary natural resources, poverty, and recurring social conflicts.
The Role of Natural Resources in Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration: Addressing Risks and Seizing Opportunities
This report focuses on the role of natural resources in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) programmes and illustrates how the management of natural resources can be used to promote more effective and ...
Economic Analysis of Natural Resource Management in Rwanda
The report is structured around two arguments. Firstly, natural resources and ecosystem services in particular have significant contribution to economic growth and poverty reduction. Secondly, failure to manage natural ...
Economic Instruments for Promoting Sustainable Natural Resource Use, Environmental sustainability and Responses to Climate Change
This report was prepared to inform the formulation of the five-year National Development Plan (NDP), whose theme is ‘Growth, Employment and Prosperity’. It is based on a study that draws lessons learned from over a decade ...
Scoping Public Environmental Expenditure for Poverty Eradication in Botswana. Poverty-Environment Initiative Botswana Working Paper No. 3
Public Environmental Expenditure Reviews (PEER) are playing a major role in providing feedback to governments and other stakeholders on the status of environment and natural resources related spend and initiatives undertaken ...
A Review Of Current Practices Of Revenue Generation From Natural Resources For The Local Bodies Of Nepal
The objective of this study is to produce economic evidence on the economic, social and environmental impacts of current practices of revenue genera- tion from the extraction and use of natural resources such as sand, ...
Draft Institutional Analysis Report for PEI Botswana
This report provides an assessment of key government institutions, the private sector, and civil society in the area of development, environment and natural resources management. It identifies their roles, mandates and ...
Enhancing Wetlands’ Contribution to Growth, Employment and Prosperity
(UNDP/NEMA/UNEP Poverty Environment Initiative, Uganda, 2009)
This study reviews the contribution of wetlands resources towards growth, employment and prosperity, and determines the priority areas for the wetland resources sub-sector and the strategies to achieve them in the five ...
Evaluation Economique de L’environnement et des Ressources Naturelles au Burkina Faso: Analyse Economico-Environnementale au Niveau National (Phase 1) - Rapport final du 20 novembre 2010
Le présent rapport entend présenter une série d’évidences et de recommandations devant faciliter la prise de décisions favorables à la préservation des ressources naturelles et de l’environnement au Burkina Faso. Il a été ...
Promoting Gender-Responsive Approaches to Natural Resource Management for Peace in North Kordofan, Sudan
The Joint Project “Promoting Gender-Responsive Approaches to Natural Resource Management for Peace” was the first pilot project established by the global Joint Programme on Women, Natural Resources and Peace, which aims ...