Now showing items 1-10 of 20
Guidelines and Checklists to Review Environmental and Social Impact Assessments
An environmental and social impact assessment report is a statement about the likely impacts of a proposal and how the identified negative impacts can be mitigated and managed and how the positive impacts can be enhanced. ...
Evaluation Intégrée des Ecosystèmes (EIE) du Parc National du Diawling
L’évaluation intégrée du Parc national du Diawling ici présentée est basée sur les concepts et outils développés dans la cadre de l’Évaluation des Écosystèmes pour le Millénaire qui a été initiée par les Nations unies en ...
Evaluation Intégrée des Ecosystèmes (EIE) de la Mare de Kankossa
L’évaluation intégrée de la mare de Kankossa, ici présentée, est basée sur les concepts et outils développés dans le cadre de l’évaluation des écosystèmes pour le millénaire (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, MEA) qui a été ...
Pilot Integrated Ecosystem Assessment of the Lake Kyoga Catchment Area
(The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), 2008)
This Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Pilot Study for Uganda was carried out in the Lake Kyoga catchment area as part of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment to provide information on linkages between changes in ecosystems, ...
Evaluation Economique de L’environnement et des Ressources Naturelles au Burkina Faso: Analyse Economico-Environnementale au Niveau National (Phase 1) - Rapport final du 20 novembre 2010
Le présent rapport entend présenter une série d’évidences et de recommandations devant faciliter la prise de décisions favorables à la préservation des ressources naturelles et de l’environnement au Burkina Faso. Il a été ...
Development and Harmonization of Environmental Laws Volume 7: Report on the Development and Harmonization of Laws Relating to Forestry
Environmental law is an essential tool for the governance and management of the environment and natural resources. It is the foundation of national and regional policies and actions to ensure that the use of natural resources ...
Compendium of Environmental Laws of African Countries Volume 1: Framework Laws and EIA Regulations (1997 Supplement to Volume I, 1996 edition)
The Compendium of Environmental Law of African Countries is prepared by the Environmental 'Law and Institutions Programme Activity Centre (ELIJPAC) under the auspices of the UNEP/UNDP Joint Project on Environ-mental Law ...
Compendium of Environmental Law of African Countries Volume 1: Framework Laws and EIA Regulations (1998 Supplement to Volume I, 1996 edition)
The Compendium of Environmental Laws of African Countries was published for the first time in 1996. Volume I contains texts of framework laws as well as EIA Regulations, which had been received by that time.