Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Haiti - Dominican Republic: Environmental Challenges in the Border Zone - Executive Summary
This document provides up-to-date information and confirms the close relationship that exists between the state of transboundary natural resources, poverty, and recurring social conflicts.
Uganda Wetlands Atlas - Volume II
(Ministry of Water and Environment, Uganda, 2016)
Wetlands underpin the livelihoods of people and their integrity is fundamental to national development. The Uganda Wetlands Atlas, Volume II presents a comprehensive overview of the state and pressures on the wetlands in ...
Economic Instruments for Promoting Sustainable Natural Resource Use, Environmental sustainability and Responses to Climate Change
This report was prepared to inform the formulation of the five-year National Development Plan (NDP), whose theme is ‘Growth, Employment and Prosperity’. It is based on a study that draws lessons learned from over a decade ...
International Photo Contest - Photo album of the International Photo Contest dedicated to the Protection of the Ozone Layer and Climate Change
The International Photo Contest was organized to raise public awareness on Ozone layer protection and climate change issues, and to promote careful attitude towards the environment around the world. Organizers of the contest ...
Enhancing the Contribution of Weather, Climate and Climate Change to Growth, Employment and Prosperity
(UNDP/NEMA/UNEP Poverty Environment Initiative, Uganda, 2009)
The objectives of this paper are i) To highlight the significance of weather and climate in the development process and raise concern regarding the likely impacts of climate change to the development process; ii) To propose ...
Summary Guidelines for Training of Civil Society Organizations and Journalists on Climate Change Adaptation in Rwanda
As part of the Rwanda’s development efforts, the integration of long-term climate change adaptation activities into their national planning process was facilitated and achieved through the implementation of an Education, ...
Making the Connection: Economic Growth, Poverty and the Environment
This briefing paper makes the case for mainstreaming environmental considerations into policy, planning and budgeting processes at the national and district level. It substantiates the linkages between economic growth,
poverty ...
Country/Region-Specific Emmission Factors in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
The objective of this study is to identify and collect new emission factors which have not yet
been taken into account in the IPCC Guidelines. The aim of the study is to make these
emission factors more readily available, ...
Índice de Vulnerabilidad ante Choques Climáticos: Lecciones aprendidas y sistematización del proceso y aplicación del IVACC en República Dominicana
Lecciones aprendidas y sistematización del proceso y aplicación del Indice de Vulnerabilidad ante Choques Climáticos en República Dominicana
Promoting Gender-responsive Approaches to Natural Resource Management for Peace - Joint project in North Kordofan, Sudan: Interim Progress Report at October 2017
The Joint Project on Gender-Responsive Approaches to Natural Resource Management for Peace in Sudan is the first pilot project established by the global programme of the same name. It is implemented through an organizational ...