Now showing items 6175-6194 of 13641

    • Industry and environment: big challenge for small business 

      United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP, 2003)
      Industry and Environment is a periodical of the United Nations Environment Programme. Challenges and opportunities ◆ Tools and approaches ◆ SMEs as models ◆ Role of supply chains
    • Industry as a partner for sustainable development: accounting 

      The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) (UNEP, 2002)
      This report tries to throw a new light on the accounting profession and on accounting professionals, by detailing the work that has been done since the early-1990s in terms of identifying the roles and responsibilities of ...
    • Industry as a partner for sustainable development: advertising 

      United Nations Environment Programme; World Federation of Advertisers; European Association of Communications Agencies (UNEP, 2002)
      This report is part of an important effort by the business community in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme to prepare situation reports from several key sectors as an input for the Johannesburg ...
    • Industry as a Partner for Sustainable Development: Chemicals 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2002)
      The chemical industry supports the goal of sustainable development and has a vital role to play in attaining that goal. The challenges of sustainable development are truly global in nature, and this report summarises the ...
    • Industry as a Partner for Sustainable Development: Coal 

      United Nations Environment Programme; World Coal Institute (WCI) (2002)
      The purpose of the report is to provide policy-makers, NGOs and coal industry members with information on the progress of the coal industry in implementing sustainable development principles for preparation of the World ...
    • Industry as a partner for sustainable development: fertilizer 

      United Nations Environment Programme; The International Fertilizer Industry Association (UNEP, 2002)
      The fertilizer industry remains concerned about the effects of its products even after they leave the factory gate and it began promoting efficient and balanced use long before most industries were adopting life cycle ...
    • Industry as a partner for sustainable development: food and drink 

      United Nations Environment Programme; Confederation of the Food and Drink Industries of the EU (CIAA) (UNEP, 2002)
      Reviews progress made by the food and drink sector in implementing Agenda 21.
    • Industry as a partner for sustainable development: iron and steel 

      United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP, 2002)
      Steel is a material used to build the foundations of society. It is an iron-based material containing low amounts of carbon and alloying elements that can be made into thousands of compositions with exacting properties to ...
    • Industry as a Partner for Sustainable Development: Refrigeration 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2002)
      The aim of this report is to examine how the refrigeration sector fits into overall sustainable development and to what extent the aims set out in Agenda 21 are implemented within the refrigeration sector. It reviews ...
    • Industry as a partner for sustainable development: tourism 

      United Nations Environment Programme; World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC); International Federation of Tour Operators (IFTO); International Hotel & Restaurant Association (IH&RA); International Council of Cruise Lines (ICCL) (UNEP, 2002)
      Reviews progress made by the tourism sector in implementing Agenda 21.
    • Industry as a Partner for Sustainable Development: Water Management 

      United Nations Environment Programme (2002)
      The report intends to present politicians and policy-makers with an overview of the freshwater scene in its totality. Only an understanding of the broader picture will enable water-related decisions to align with the ...
    • Industry sectorial approaches and climate action: from global to local level in a post-2012 climate framework 

      United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP, 2009)
      This Discussion Paper on Industry Sector Approaches to Climate Change is intended to assist negotiators, policymakers and other interested parties in the definition, development and implementation of sectorial approaches. ...
    • Industry, freshwater and sustainable development 

      United Nations Environment Programme; World Business Council for Sustainable Development (UNEP, 1998)
      This report is a joint publication by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). It is meant to serve as an example of cooperation between an ...
    • Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: Build Resilient Infrastructure, Promote Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialization, and Foster Innovation 

      The World Bank (2017)
      Goal 9 explores not only opportunities to improve transport but also those in industry, innovation, and other types of infrastructure.
    • INF_1_InformationNote 

      United Nations Environment Programme; AMCEN
      Information note on the twelfth session of the African MinisterialConference on the Environment
    • INF_1_InformationNoteFR 

      United Nations Environment Programme; AMCEN
      Information note on the twelfth session of the African MinisterialConference on the Environment
    • INF_2_SubregionalActionPlan 

      United Nations Environment Programme; AMCEN
      Subregional environmental action plans and the NEPAD nationalaction plans on the environment – an introductory account
    • INF_2_SubregionalActionPlanFR 

      United Nations Environment Programme; AMCEN
      Subregional environmental action plans and the NEPAD nationalaction plans on the environment – an introductory account
    • INF_3_22ndMeeting 

      United Nations Environment Programme; AMCEN
      Report of the Bureau of the African Ministerial Conference onthe Environment on the work of its twenty-second meeting
    • INF_3_22ndMeetingFR 

      United Nations Environment Programme; AMCEN
      Report of the Bureau of the African Ministerial Conference onthe Environment on the work of its twenty-second meeting